Sunday, January 29, 2012

Louie Giglio Proves that God Exists

Pastor Louie Giglio proves God's existence by showing us a picture of a protein (laminin) shaped like a cross. Wait...what? It looks more like a Kokopelli to me. Pastor Giglio's subtly distressed jeans and untucked dress shirt add a touch of casual class to this pretty tacky argument.

(Found at Friendly Atheist.)

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Perry Noble Angers Religous People

Preacher Perry Noble openly mocks interpretive dancing in church, a form of sincere religious devotion, so I don't feel bad openly mocking this ridiculously ornate cross t-shirt he's wearing with some kind of hipster sports coat or something. I don't know. You're usually a pretty snazzy dresser, pastor Noble, but this combo makes you look like a doofus.

I don't care if you do play AC/DC's "Highway to Hell" at church on Easter Sunday just to piss off old people (something Jesus totally loved to do probably), your t-shirt should be black, and it should have a skull or a tiger or something on it if you want to reach today's hyper-masculine youth culture. Just some advice.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Rod Wilson - "Can't Stop Rockin'"

Christian rockers are the original Preachers Wearing T-Shirts. In this video from 1988, Rod Wilson is sporting a rare vintage red wife-beater.

(Found at Christian Nightmares.)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Pastor Mark Driscoll Hates Avatar for Jesus

Pastor Mark Driscoll calls Avatar "the most demonic, satanic film" he's every seen. I guess Christians don't like blue things. Look at that tight-ass distressed button up, though. And what's the patch say, Mark? Probably something wicked cool.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Pastor Todd Bentley Begs God for His Liquid Love

Todd Bentley rocks his trademark black t-shirt and chain while God's "liquid love" heals an "inoperatable brain cancer."

If you want to know more about this video, read past the jump. If you're just hear for fun, move along. This'll seriously ruin your day.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

John Crowder - Tempted by Bliss

Sons of Thunder's John Crowder asks, "how would you like for your greatest temptation to be to get absolutely jacked up on Jesus Christ?" I'm not gonna lie, this is pretty creepy, John Crowder. Nevertheless, you're wearing a t-shirt and you're preaching, which qualifies you to be today's Preacher Wearing a T-Shirt.

Monday, January 23, 2012

NewSpring Church Pastor Perry Noble

Pastor Perry Noble declares, "You making me your idol is one of the most dangerous things you can ever do" while standing in front of a drum kit and wearing an Ed Hardy t-shirt, which makes him our totally bad ass rock star Preacher Wearing a T-Shirt for today.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Mars Hill Church Pastor Mark Driscoll

Pastor Mark Driscoll describes the concept of a spank bank to church women while wearing a sweet-ass vest over a black t-shirt and crucifix. And is that the slightest inkling of a fauxhawk I see? Mark Driscoll, you're today's Preacher Wearing a T-Shirt.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Pastor Ed Young on Landing Jets

Totally positive Pastor Ed Young describes landing his private jet while sporting a very snazzy stripped tee. Very classy, Ed Young. You're today's Preacher Wearing a T-Shirt.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Todd Bentley Introduces His New Wife

Todd Bentley assures his critics that God has made him pay for abandoning his family while he shows off his super hot new wife and spooky cool black tee. That's pretty bold, dog, which is why you're today's Preacher Wearing a T-Shirt.

Pastor Bentley's old family:

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Clash Church Pastor Doug Giles

Clash Church pastor Doug Giles uses alliteration, attitude, and pop culture references to put forth his theory that Jesus Christ and his disciples "had game." He also calls his audience "Christian," "senorita," "sweetie," and "dinky," showing he has a very clear understanding of his audience's unique mixture of kinks. You can also see his nipples if you look really hard.

Most importantly, he's rocking a sweet fitted tee with reading glasses hanging from the collar. Rock on, Pastor Giles. You're our inaugural Preacher Wearing a T-Shirt.